A Brief History

A Brief History

The Department of Electrical Engineering, Trisaksi University is one of the oldest Electrical Engineering Departments in Indonesia and has an A Accreditation Status obtained through the Decree of BAN PT No. 972/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/IX/S1/X/2015 dated 3 September 2015. The Electrical Engineering Department of Trisakti University is present through the Bachelor of Electrical Engineering or S-1 study program to prepare graduates who are able to solve electrical problems and develop their knowledge, so that they can work in the field of implementing research programs, planning, implementing and regulating electrical engineering machinery equipment systems; and in a short time can adapt to the development of the specialty of the electrical engineering branch found in various types of industries and related work fields.

The establishment of the Electrical Engineering Department at Trisakti University is inseparable from the history of the founding of Trisakti University and Res Republika University. Based on the Decree of the Minister of Higher Education and Science No. 013/dar/ In 1965, on November 15, 1965, Res Republika University was reopened by changing its name to Trisakti University, a new university based on Pancasila.

At the time of the founding of Trisakti University, the Electrical Department was under the Faculty of Engineering along with 3 other engineering departments, namely Mechanical, Civil, and Architecture. In 1983 the Faculty of Engineering, Trisakti University was developed into 2 faculties, namely the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning (FTSP) and the Faculty of Industrial Technology (FTI), where the Department of Electrical Engineering was under the FTI together with the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Geology and Petroleum. In 1984 the Department of Geology and Petroleum Engineering separated from FTI by forming the Faculty of Mineral Technology (FTM) and in FTI a new department was born, namely Industrial Engineering. In 1996, another department was added, namely Informatics Engineering.

In the period 1966-1967 the diploma of a complete baccalaureate and a complete bachelor’s degree from the Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering, has the status of RECOGNIZED. In 1972 the Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering, experienced an increase in status from RECOGNIZED status to EQUAL for a FULL Bachelor’s degree through the Decree of the Minister of P and K No. 090/u/1972 dated June 8, 1972.

In 1983 the Department of Electrical Engineering began implementing a semester credit system and in 1984 the Department of Electrical Engineering FTI USAKTI was awarded the title as the 2nd best Department in the Kopertis Region III environment.

At the time of the establishment of educational and teaching activities in the Department of Electrical Engineering, there were two majors of study, namely:

  1. Electrical Power Engineering (Strong Current)
  2. Telecommunications and Electronics Engineering (Weak Current)

In the academic year 1984/1985, the Department of Electrical Engineering developed a new major, namely Control and Computers, so that the majors of study became 3, namely:

  1. Electrical Power Engineering
  2. Telecommunications and Electronics Engineering
  3. Control and Computer

Furthermore, since 1996 the Department of Electrical Engineering was developed again so that it has 5 kinds of specialization, namely:

  1. Electric Power
  2. Telecommunication
  3. Control System
  4. Electronics
  5. Computer System
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