Graduate Learning Outcomes

Graduate Learning Outcomes

Curriculum 2019

I. Knowledge Learning Outcomes

  1. Ability to acquire and apply university-level mathematical knowledge including integral calculus, differential, linear algebra, complex variables, and probability and statistics (P1)
  2. Ability to apply knowledge and practical physics (P2)
  3. Ability to apply computational knowledge needed to analyze and design complex devices or systems (P3)
  4. Ability to apply core knowledge in electrical engineering including electrical circuits, systems and signals, digital systems, electromagnetics, and electronics (P4)
  5. Ability to apply breadth of knowledge covering a number of engineering topics (P5)
  6. Ability to apply at least one area of ​​depth knowledge (P6)
  7. Ability to apply and skills acquired from previous lectures in engineering design activities (P7)

II. General Skills Learning Outcomes

  1. Able to apply logical, critical, systematic, and innovative thinking in the context of the development or implementation of science and technology that pays attention to and applies humanities values ​​in accordance with their field of expertise (KU1)
  2. Able to demonstrate independent, quality, and measurable performance (KU2)
  3. Able to study the implications of the development or implementation of science and technology that pays attention to and applies humanities values ​​according to their expertise based on scientific principles, procedures and ethics in order to produce solutions, ideas, designs or art criticism, compose a scientific description of the results of the study in the form of a thesis or report final project, and upload it on the college page (KU3)
  4. Compile a scientific description of the results of the studies mentioned above in the form of a thesis or final project report, and upload it on the university’s website (KU4)
  5. Able to make appropriate decisions in the context of solving problems in their area of ​​expertise, based on the results of information and data analysis (KU5)
  6. Able to maintain and develop a network with supervisors, colleagues, colleagues both inside and outside the institution (KU6)
  7. Able to be responsible for the achievement of group work results and supervise and evaluate the completion of work assigned to workers under their responsibility (KU7)
  8. Able to carry out the process of self-evaluation of the work group under their responsibility, and able to manage learning independently (KU8)
  9. Able to document, store, secure, and rediscover data to ensure validity and prevent plagiarism (KU9)

III. Special Skills Learning Outcomes

  1. Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, natural sciences, information technology and engineering to gain a thorough understanding of the principles
  2. engineering principles (KK1)
  3. Ability to design components, systems, and/or processes to meet expected needs within realistic limits, such as legal, economic, environmental, social, political, health and safety, sustainability as well as to identify and/or utilize potential resources local and national with global insight (KK2)
  4. Ability to design & carry out laboratory and/or field experiments as well as analyze and interpret data to strengthen technical assessment (KK3)
  5. Ability to identify, formulate, analyze and solve technical problems (KK4)
  6. Ability to apply modern technical methods, skills and tools required for engineering practice (KK5)
  7. Ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing (KK6)
  8. Ability to plan, complete and evaluate tasks within the existing limits systematically (KK7)
  9. Ability to work in cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural teams (KK8)
  10. Ability to be responsible to the community and comply with professional ethics in solving technical problems (KK9)
  11. Ability to understand the need for lifelong learning, including access to knowledge related to relevant contemporary issues (KK10)

IV. Attitude Learning Achievements

Graduates have the attitude:

  1. Fear God Almighty and be able to show a religious attitude (S1)
  2. Upholding human values ​​in carrying out duties based on religion, morals, and ethics (S2)
  3. Contribute to improving the quality of life in the community, nation, state, and progress of civilization based on Pancasila (S3)
  4. To act as citizens who are proud and love their homeland, have nationalism and a sense of responsibility to the country and nation (S4)
  5. Appreciate the diversity of cultures, views, religions, and beliefs, as well as the opinions or original findings of others (S5)
  6. Cooperate and have social sensitivity and concern for society and the environment (S6)
  7. Obey the law and discipline in social and state life (S7)
  8. Internalize academic values, norms, and ethics (S8)
  9. Demonstrate a responsible attitude towards work in the field of expertise independently (S9)
  10. Internalize the spirit of independence, struggle, and entrepreneurship (S10)
  11. Trisakti Trikrama Character (S11)

Operational Graduate Learning Outcomes consist of 12 achievements with codes CP1 to CP12. All items from CP1 to CP12 have been aligned with Learning Outcomes based on the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI).

The following is a description of the Operational Graduate Learning Outcomes for the Electrical Engineering Study Program:

  • CP1: Able to apply knowledge of mathematics, basic sciences, and core competencies to solve complex engineering problems in the field of electrical engineering.
  • CP2: Able to design and conduct experiments, make observations, collect and analyze data to support problem-solving in the field of electrical engineering.
  • CP3: Able to identify, formulate, and solve problems in the field of electrical engineering.
  • CP4: Able to communicate effectively orally and in writing.
  • CP5: Able to work collaboratively in a team.
  • CP6: Able to develop learning strategies to adapt to the development of knowledge and technology.
  • CP7: Able to design components, systems, or processes in the field of electrical engineering according to needs with considerations of engineering, economic, and environmental aspects.
  • CP8: Able to use modern engineering techniques, skills, and tools for the practice of engineering in the field of electrical engineering.
  • CP9: Have an understanding of professional responsibilities and ethics.
  • CP10: Able to plan, complete, and evaluate tasks systematically within existing constraints.
  • CP11: Master the mathematical, scientific, and engineering concepts required for the analysis and design of systems, components, or processes in the field of electrical engineering.
  • CP12: Have insights into the economic, social, and environmental aspects.

Tabel 1. Mapping Operational Graduate Learning Outcomes to KKNI Competence Profile Levels

Table 2. Learning Outcomes and Courses

CP Learning Outcomes Description Course
CP 1 Able to apply knowledge of mathematics, basic sciences, and core competencies to solve complex engineering problems in the field of electrical engineering 1. Variabel Kompleks
2. Matematika Diskrit
3. Persamaan Diferensial dan Transformasi Laplace
4. Fisika Listrik dan Magnit
5. Medan Elektromagnetik
6. Kompatibilitas Elektromagnetik
7. Tugas Akhir
8. Transformator
9. Ekonomi Teknik
CP 2 Able to design and conduct experiments, perform observations, collect and analyze data to support problem-solving in the field of electrical engineering 1. Prak. Sistem Komputer dan Pemrograman
2. Prak. Sistem Digital
3. Prak. Sistem Kendali
4. Prak. Rangkaian Elektronika
5. Prak. Rangkaian Listrik
6. Prak. Teknik Tenaga Listrik
7. Prak. Teknik Telekomunikasi
8. Prak. Pengukuran & Instrumentasi
9. Prak. Mikroprosesor/Mikrokontroler
10. Prak. Kom Data & Jar Komputer
11. Capstone Design
12. Tugas Akhir
13. Praktikum transformator
14. Praktikum Transmisi Distribusi
15. Praktikum Elektronika Daya
16. Praktikum Mesin Sinkron
17. Praktikum Mesin Induksi
18. Praktikum Teknik Tegangan Tinggi
19. Praktikum Pengaturan dan Penggunaan Motor-motor Listrik
20. Prakt. Pengolahan sinyal Multimedia
21. Praktikum Pengukuran Parameter Antena
22. Praktikum Elektronika Telekomunikasi
23. Prakt. Kendali Multi Variabel
24. Praktikum Electronic Circuit Design
25. Praktikum Elektronika Industri
CP 3 Able to identify, formulate, and solve problems in the field of electrical engineering 1. Sistem Komputer dan Pemrograman
2. Sistem Digital
3. Rangkaian Listrik
4. Sistem Kendali
5. Rangkaian Elektronika
6. Teknik Tenaga Listrik
7. Teknik Telekomunikasi
8. Pengukuran dan Instrumentasi
9. Menggambar Teknik
10. Mikroprosesor/Mikrokontroler
11. Kom Data & Jar Komputer
12. Pengolahan Sinyal Digital dan Aplikasi
13. Computational Thinking
14. Otomasi Industri
15. Proposal Tugas Akhir
16. Tugas Akhir
17. Transmisi dan Distribusi Daya Listrik
18. Elektronika Daya
19. Sistim Proteksi
20. Mesin Sinkron
21. Mesin Induksi
22. Teknik Tegangan Tinggi
23. Analisa Sistim Tenaga
24. Desain Instalasi Listrik dan Penerangan
25. Renewable Energy and Smart Grid
26. Simulasi Jaringan Listrik
27. Pengaturan dan Penggunaan Motor-motor Listrik
28. Jaringan Sensor
29. Sistem Robotika
30. Perancangan Sistem Embedded
31. Elektronika Digital
32. Sistem Cerdas
33. Pengolahan sinyal Multimedia
34. Pemodelan dan Simulasi Sistem Telekomunikasi
35. Desain & aplikasi Antena
36. 5G dan Cognitive Radio
37. Elektronika Telekomunikasi
38. Instrumentasi dan Pengendali Proses
39. Pemodelan dan Simulasi
40. Optimasi
41. Sistem Kendali Berperistiwa Diskrit
42. Sistem Kendali Optimal
43. Mekatronika
44. Sistem Kendali Multi Variabel
45. Instrumentasi Digital
46. Elektronika Medik
47. Teknologi Nano
48. Elektronika Devais
49. Teknologi Optoelektronika
50. Electronic Circuit Design
51. Perancangan Aplikasi Digital
52. Elektronika Industri
53. Elektronika Telekomunikasi
54. Perancangan IC
55. Sistem Cerdas
56. Sistem Basis Data
57. Perancangan Aplikasi Digital
58. Jaringan Komputer Lanjut
59. Arsitektur Sistem Komputer
60. Pemrograman Komputer Kontemporer
61. Teknik Keamanan Komputer
62. Pemrosesan Biomedis
63. Sistem Telemedis
64. Penginderaan Jarak Jauh
65. Sistem dan Perangkat Telemetri
66. Logika Fuzzy dan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan
67. Pengolah Citra dan Computer vision
68. Teknik Keamanan Komputer
69. Teori Informasi dan Pengkodean
70. Machine Learning
CP 4 Able to communicate effectively both orally and in writing 1. Bahasa Indonesia
2. Bahasa Inggris
3. Capstone Design
4. Kerja Praktek
5. Proposal Tugas Akhir
6. Tugas Akhir
7. Manajemen Proyek
CP 5 Able to collaborate effectively in a team 1. Pengantar Profesi Keteknikan
2. Prak. Sistem Komputer dan Pemrograman
3. Prak. Sistem Digital
4. Prak. Sistem Kendali
5. Prak. Rangkaian Elektronika
6. Prak. Rangkaian Listrik
7. Prak. Teknik Tenaga Listrik
8. Prak. Teknik Telekomunikasi
9. Prak. Pengukuran & Instrumentasi
10. Prak. Mikroprosesor/Mikrokontroler
11. Prak. Kom Data & Jar Komputer
12. Capstone Design
13. Kerja Praktek
14. Praktikum transformator
15. Praktikum Transmisi Distribusi
16. Praktikum Elektronika Daya
17. Praktikum Mesin Sinkron
18. Praktikum Mesin Induksi
19. Praktikum Teknik Tegangan Tinggi
20. Praktikum Pengaturan dan Penggunaan Motor-motor Listrik
21. Prakt. Pengolahan sinyal Multimedia
22. Praktikum Pengukuran Parameter Antena
23. Praktikum Elektronika Telekomunikasi
24. Manajemen Proyek
CP 6 Able to develop learning strategies to adapt to the advancements in knowledge and technology 1. Kerja Praktek
2. Proposal Tugas Akhir
3. Tugas Akhir
CP 7 Able to design components, systems, or processes in the field of electrical engineering according to needs, considering technical, economic, and environmental factors 1. Mikroprosesor/Mikrokontroler
2. Kom Data & Jar Komputer
3. Pengolahan Sinyal Digital dan Aplikasi
4. Capstone Design
5. Otomasi Industri
6. Proposal Tugas Akhir
7. Tugas Akhir
8. Elektronika Daya
9. Sistim Proteksi
10. Mesin Sinkron
11. Simulasi Jaringan Listrik
12. Pengaturan dan Penggunaan Motor-motor Listrik
13. Jaringan Sensor
14. Sistem Robotika
15. Perancangan Sistem Embedded
16. Elektronika Digital
17. Sistem Cerdas
18. Pengolahan sinyal Multimedia
19. Pemodelan dan Simulasi Sistem Telekomunikasi
20. Desain & aplikasi Antena
21. 5G dan Cognitive Radio
22. Elektronika Telekomunikasi
23. Instrumentasi dan Pengendali Proses
25. Optimasi
26. Sistem Kendali Berperistiwa Diskrit
27. Sistem Kendali Optimal
28. Mekatronika
29. Sistem Kendali Multi Variabel
30. Instrumentasi Digital
31. Elektronika Medik
32. Teknologi Nano
33. Elektronika Devais
34. Teknologi Optoelektronika
35. Electronic Circuit Design
36. Perancangan Aplikasi Digital
37. Elektronika Industri
38. Elektronika Telekomunikasi
39. Perancangan IC
40. Sistem Cerdas
41. Sistem Basis Data
42. Perancangan Aplikasi Digital
43. Jaringan Komputer Lanjut
44. Arsitektur Sistem Komputer
45. Pemrograman Komputer Kontemporer
46. Teknik Keamanan Komputer
47. Pemrosesan Biomedis
48. Sistem Telemedis
49. Penginderaan Jarak Jauh
50. Sistem dan Perangkat Telemetri
51. Logika Fuzzy dan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan
52. Pengolah Citra dan Computer vision
53. Teknik Keamanan Komputer
54. Teori Informasi dan Pengkodean
55. Machine Learning
CP 8 Able to use modern engineering techniques, skills, and tools for the practice of engineering in the field of electrical engineering 1. Prak. Sistem Komputer dan Pemrograman
2. Prak. Sistem Digital
3. Prak. Sistem Kendali
4. Prak. Rangkaian Elektronika
5. Prak. Rangkaian Listrik
6. Prak. Teknik Tenaga Listrik
7. Prak. Teknik Telekomunikasi
8. Prak. Pengukuran & Instrumentasi
9. Prak. Mikroprosesor/Mikrokontroler
10. Prak. Kom Data & Jar Komputer
11. Capstone Design
12. Otomasi Industri
13. Tugas Akhir
14. Praktikum transformator
15. Transmisi dan Distribusi Daya Listrik
16. Praktikum Transmisi Distribusi
17. Praktikum Elektronika Daya
18. Praktikum Mesin Sinkron
19. Praktikum Mesin Induksi
20. Teknik Tegangan Tinggi
21. Praktikum Teknik Tegangan Tinggi
22. Analisa Sistim Tenaga
23. Desain Instalasi Listrik dan Penerangan
24. Renewable Energy and Smart Grid
25. Simulasi Jaringan Listrik
26. Praktikum Pengaturan dan Penggunaan Motor-motor Listrik
27. Perancangan Sistem Embedded
28. Elektronika Digital
29. Prakt. Pengolahan sinyal Multimedia
30. Pemodelan dan Simulasi Sistem Telekomunikasi
31. Desain & aplikasi Antena
32. Praktikum Pengukuran Parameter Antena
33. Praktikum Elektronika Telekomunikasi
34. Pemodelan dan Simulasi
35. Mekatronika
36. Prakt. Kendali Multi Variabel
37. Praktikum Electronic Circuit Design
38. Perancangan Aplikasi Digital
39. Prakt. Pengolahan sinyal Multimedia
40. Praktikum Pengukuran Parameter Antena
41. Praktikum Elektronika Industri
42. Praktikum Elektronika Telekomunikasi
43. Perancangan IC
44. Sistem Basis Data
45. Perancangan Aplikasi Digital
46. Pemrograman Komputer Kontemporer
47. Logika Fuzzy dan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan
48. Pengolah Citra dan Computer vision
49. Machine Learning
CP 9 Have an understanding of professional responsibilities and ethics 1. Pendidikan Agama
2. Pancasila
3. Kewarganegaraan Kebangsaan, Demokrasi dan HAM
4. Pengantar Profesi Keteknikan
5. Desain Instalasi Listrik dan Penerangan
CP 10 Able to plan, execute, and evaluate tasks systematically within existing constraints 1. Pengantar Profesi Keteknikan
2. Capstone Design
3. Tugas Akhir
CP 11 Mastery of mathematical, scientific, and engineering concepts required for the analysis and design of systems, components, or processes in the field of electrical engineering 1. Kalkulus I
2. Aljabar Linier
3. Kalkulus II
4. Metode Numerik
5. Sinyal dan Sistem
6. Probabilitas dan Statistik
7. Fisika Mekanika
8. Fisika Fluida dan Termodinamika
9. Fisika Bunyi dan Optik
10. Praktikum Fisika
11. Transformator
CP 12 Having insights into the economic, social, and environmental aspects. Mapping between Operational Graduate Learning Outcomes and KKNI, FORTEI, and IABEE Competence Profiles 1. Kewirausahaan Berbasis Teknologi
2. Pengantar Profesi Keteknikan

Curriculum 2023

I. Knowledge Learning Outcomes

  1. Ability to acquire and apply university-level mathematical knowledge, including integral-differential calculus, linear algebra, complex variables, as well as probability and statistics (P.1)
  2. Ability to apply knowledge of physics and other basic sciences relevant to the program (P.2)
  3. Ability to apply computational knowledge needed to analyze and design devices or complex systems (P.3)
  4. Ability to apply core knowledge in electrical engineering, including electrical circuits, systems and signals, digital systems, electromagnetics, and electronics (P.4)
  5. Ability to apply breadth knowledge covering various engineering topics relevant to electrical engineering (P.5)
  6. Ability to apply at least one depth knowledge area relevant to the program (P.6)
  7. Ability to apply knowledge and skills acquired from previous courses in engineering design activities (P.7)

II. General Skills Learning Outcomes

  1. Ability to apply logical, critical, systematic, and innovative thinking in the context of developing or implementing science and technology, considering and applying appropriate human values within their expertise (KU1)
  2. Ability to demonstrate independent, high-quality, and measurable performance (KU2)
  3. Ability to examine the implications of developing or implementing science and technology, considering and applying human values in accordance with their expertise based on scientific norms, procedures, and ethics to produce solutions, ideas, designs, or art criticism, compose a scientific description of their study in the form of a thesis or final project report, and upload it on the university’s website (KU3)
  4. Compiling a scientific description of the above study in the form of a thesis or final project report and uploading it on the university’s website (KU4)
  5. Ability to make accurate decisions in the context of problem-solving within their field of expertise based on the analysis of information and data (KU5)
  6. Ability to establish and develop networks with mentors, colleagues, and peers both within and outside their institution (KU6)
  7. Ability to take responsibility for the achievements of group work and supervise and evaluate the completion of tasks assigned to subordinates (KU7)
  8. Ability to conduct self-evaluation processes for working groups under their responsibility and manage learning independently (KU8)
  9. Ability to document, store, secure, and retrieve data to ensure authenticity and prevent plagiarism (KU9)

III. Specific Skills Learning Outcomes

  1. Ability to apply mathematical knowledge, natural sciences, information technology, and engineering to gain a comprehensive understanding of engineering principles (KK1)
  2. Ability to design components, systems, and/or processes to meet expected needs within realistic constraints, such as legal, economic, environmental, social, political, health, safety, sustainability, and to recognize and/or utilize the potential of local and national resources with global insight (KK2)
  3. Ability to design and conduct laboratory and/or field experiments and analyze and interpret data to strengthen engineering assessments (KK3)
  4. Ability to identify, formulate, analyze, and solve engineering problems (KK4)
  5. Ability to apply modern engineering methods, skills, and tools required for engineering practice (KK5)
  6. Effective communication skills, both orally and in writing (KK6)
  7. Ability to plan, complete, and evaluate tasks systematically within existing constraints (KK7)
  8. Ability to work in cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural teams (KK8)
  9. Ability to be responsible to society and adhere to professional ethics in solving engineering problems (KK9)
  10. Ability to understand the need for lifelong learning, including access to knowledge related to relevant contemporary issues (KK10)

IV. Attitude Learning Outcomes

  1. Devout to God Almighty and able to demonstrate religious attitudes (S1)
  2. Upholding the values of humanity in carrying out duties based on religion, morality, and ethics (S2)
  3. Contributing to the improvement of community life based on the nation’s philosophy, the state, and the progress of civilization based on Pancasila (S3)
  4. Playing a role as a proud and patriotic citizen, having nationalism and a sense of responsibility to the country and the nation (S4)
  5. Appreciating cultural diversity, perspectives, religions, and beliefs, as well as respecting the original opinions or findings of others (S5)
  6. Collaborating and having social sensitivity and concern for society and the environment (S6)
  7. Complying with laws and discipline in social and national life (S7)
  8. Internalizing academic values, norms, and ethics (S8)
  9. Demonstrating responsibility for work in their field independently (S9)
  10. Internalizing the spirit of independence, struggle, and entrepreneurship (S10)

Attitude Learning Outcomes:

S.a: Able to demonstrate a pious, diligent, and skilled attitude S.b: Able to demonstrate an attitude of caring, sharing, and mentoring S.c: Able to demonstrate a noble, loyal, and sportsmanlike attitude

General Skills Learning Outcomes:

KU.a: Able to apply logical, critical, systematic, and innovative thinking in the context of developing or implementing science and technology, considering and applying human values within their expertise KU.b: Able to demonstrate independent, high-quality performance, make decisions, and take responsibility ethically and professionally KU.c: Able to examine the implications of developing or implementing science and technology in their field, document and retrieve data, compose scientific descriptions, and communicate effectively both orally and in writing KU.d: Able to maintain and develop networks within and outside their institution, across disciplines and cultures KU.e: Able to conduct self and group evaluation, manage learning independently

Knowledge Learning Outcomes:

  1. Ability to acquire and apply university-level mathematical knowledge, including integral-differential calculus, linear algebra, complex variables, as well as probability and statistics (P.a)
  2. Ability to apply knowledge of physics and other basic sciences relevant to the program (P.b)
  3. Ability to apply computational knowledge needed to analyze and design devices or complex systems (P.c)
  4. Ability to apply core knowledge in electrical engineering, including electrical circuits, systems and signals, digital systems, electromagnetics, and electronics (P.d)
  5. Ability to apply breadth knowledge covering various engineering topics relevant to electrical engineering (P.e)
  6. Ability to apply at least one depth knowledge area relevant to the program (P.f)
  7. Ability to apply knowledge and skills acquired from previous courses in engineering design activities (P.g)

Specific Skills Learning Outcomes:

  1. Ability to apply mathematical knowledge, natural sciences, information technology, and engineering to gain a comprehensive understanding of engineering principles (KK1)
  2. Ability to design components, systems, and/or processes to meet expected needs within realistic constraints, such as legal, economic, environmental, social, political, health, safety, sustainability, and to recognize and/or utilize the potential of local and national resources with global insight (KK2)
  3. Ability to design and conduct laboratory and/or field experiments and analyze and interpret data to strengthen engineering assessments (KK3)
  4. Ability to identify, formulate, analyze, and solve engineering problems (KK4)
  5. Ability to apply modern engineering methods, skills, and tools required for engineering practice (KK5)
  6. Effective communication skills, both orally and in writing (KK6)
  7. Ability to plan, complete, and evaluate tasks systematically within existing constraints (KK7)
  8. Ability to work in cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural teams (KK8)
  9. Ability to be responsible to society and adhere to professional ethics in solving engineering problems (KK9)
  10. Ability to understand the need for lifelong learning, including access to knowledge related to relevant contemporary issues (KK10)
Operational Graduate Learning Outcomes S.a S.b S.c P.a P.b P.c P.d P.e P.f P.g Ku.a Ku.b Ku.c Ku.d Ku.e
Graduate Learning Outcomes Based on KKNI
S1 v
S2 v
S3 v
S4 v
S5 v
S6 v
S7 v
S8 v
S9 v
S10 v
P1 v
P2 v
P3 v
P4 v
P5 v
P6 v
P7 v
KU1 v
KU2 v
KU3 v
KU4 v
KU5 v
KU6 v
KU7 v
KU8 v
KU9 v


Operational Graduate Learning Outcomes KK.a KK.b KK.c KK.d KK.e KK.f KK.g KK.h KK.i KK.j
Graduate Learning Outcomes Based on KKNI
KK1 v
KK2 v
KK3 v
KK4 v
KK5 v
KK6 v
KK7 v
KK8 v
KK9 v
KK10 v
Code of Graduate Learning Outcomes Study Material Course
Following the study materials established by the government/university/faculty related to religion, morality, and ethics, independence, and entrepreneurship; basic mathematics and science courses
1. Agama
2. Profesionalisme Keinsinyuran
3. Pancasila
4. Kewirausahaan Berbasis Teknologi
5. Kalkulus 1
6. Kalkulus 2
7. Aljabar Linier
8. Matematika Diskrit
9. Persamaan Diferensial dan Transformasi Laplace
10. Variabel Kompleks
11. Probabilitas dan Statistik
12. Metode Numerik
Following the study materials established by the government/university/faculty related to community life; the ability to collaborate and social concern, professional responsibility
1. Pancasila
2. Kewarganegaraan, Demokrasi dan HAM
3. Profesionalisme Keinsinyuran
Following study materials established by the government/university/faculty related to Pancasila values and citizenship; internalization of academic norms and ethics
1. Pancasila
2. Kewarganegaraan, Demokrasi dan HAM
3. Kerja Praktek
4. Capstone Design
5. Tugas Akhir
1. Application of mathematical knowledge, basic sciences, and core competencies for problem-solving in electrical engineering.
2. Design of components, systems, or processes in the field of electrical engineering with consideration for human values
1. Mikroprosesor/mikrokontroler
2. Pengolahan Sinyal Digital dan Aplikasi
3. Capstone Design
4. Elektronika Daya
5. Penggunaan dan Pengaturan Motor-motor Listrik
6. Proposal Tugas Akhir
7. Tugas Akhir
1. Independent task completion 2. Ethical and professional responsibility
1. Profesionalisme Keinsinyuran
2. Kerja Praktek
3. Tugas Akhir
1. Scientific Method
2. Scientific Writing
1. Proposal Tugas Akhir
2. Tugas Akhir
Design and completion of projects in the field of electrical engineering
1. Manajemen Proyek
2. Capstone Design
1. Independent learning
2. Group learning
3. Self-assessment
4. Group assessment
1. Praktikum Transmisi dan Distribusi
2. Praktikum Transformator
3. Praktikum Elektronika Daya
4. Praktikum Mesin Sinkron
5. Praktikum Mesin Induksi
6. Praktikum Teknik Tegangan Tinggi
7. Praktikum Penggunaan dan Pengaturan Motor-motor Listrik
8. Praktikum Elektronika Digital
9. Praktikum Komunikasi Digital
10. Praktikum RF dan Sensing Device
11. Praktikum Perancangan Rangkaian Elektronika
Calculus, Linear Algebra, Complex Variables, Differential Equations and Laplace Transformations, Probability, and Statistics
1. Kalkulus 1
2. Kalkulus 2
3. Aljabar Linier
4. Matematika Diskrit
5. Persamaan Diferensial dan Transformasi Laplace
6. Variabel Kompleks
7. Probabilitas dan Statistik
8. Metode Numerik
Physics Science and Physics Laboratory Practice
1. Fisika Mekanika
2. Fisika Listrik Magnet
3. Fisika Fluida dan Termodinamika
4. Fisika Bunyi dan Optik
5. Praktikum Fisika
6. Medan Elektromagnetik
1. Computational knowledge for the analysis of devices or complex systems
2. Application of computational knowledge for the analysis of devices or complex systems
3. Application of computational knowledge for the design of devices or complex systems
4. Application of computational knowledge for the analysis of devices or complex systems
1. Sistem Komputer dan Pemrograman
2. Praktikum Sistem Komputer dan Pemrograman
3. Komunikasi Data dan Jaringan Komputer
4. Praktikum Komunikasi Data dan Jaringan Komputer
5. Mikroprosesor/mikrokontroler
6. Praktikum Mikroprosesor/Mikrokontroler
1. Electrical Circuits
2. Signals and Systems
3. Digital Systems
4. Electromagnetics
5. Electronics
6. Control Systems
7. Power Engineering
8. Telecommunication Engineering
9. Measurement and Instrumentation
1. Rangkaian Listrik
2. Praktikum Rangkaian Listrik
3. Sistem Digital
4. Sistem Kendali
5. Praktikum Sistem Digital
6. Medan Elektromagnetik
7. Kompatibilitas Elektromagnetik
8. Rangkaian Elektronika
9. Praktikum Rangkaian Elektronika
10. Teknik Tenaga Listrik
11. Teknik Telekomunikasi
12. Pengukuran dan Instrumentasi
1. Application of breadth knowledge in the field of electrical power
1. Transmisi dan Distribusi Daya Listrik
2. Transformator
3. Elektronika Daya
4. Mesin Sinkron dan Pembangkitan
5. Sistem Proteksi
6. Mesin Induksi
7. Teknik Tegangan Tinggi
8. Analisa Sistem Tenaga
9. Desain Instalasi Listrik dan Penerangan
10. Pengaturan dan Penggunaan Motor-motor Listrik
11. Perancangan Rangkaian Elektronika
2. Application of breadth knowledge in the fields of electronics, control, telecommunications, and computer systems
12. Elektronika Digital
13. Kecerdasan Artifisial dan Pembelajaran Mesin
14. Perancangan Sistem Embedded
15. Komunikasi Digital dan Nirkabel
16. RF dan Sensing Device
17. Mekatronika
18. Sistem Robotika
19. Instrumentasi Digital
1. Application of depth knowledge in the field of electrical power
1. Kapita Selekta
2. Simulasi Jaringan Listrik
3. Renewable Energy dan Smart Grid
4. Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air
5. Pentanahan Sistem Tenaga Listrik
6. Pemrosesan Biomedis
7. SIstem Telemedis
2. The application of in-depth knowledge in the fields of electronics, control, telecommunications, and computer systems
8. Penginderaan Jarak Jauh
9. Logika Fuzzy dan Jaringan Saraf Tiruan
10. Pengolahan Citra dan Computer Vision
11. Elektronika Devais
12. Elektronika Medik
13. Perancangan IC
14. Komputasi Awan dan Infrastruktur
15. Teknik Keamanan Komputasi dan Jaringan
16. Pemrograman Komputer Kontemporer
17. Kecerdasan Artifisial dan Pembelajaran Mesin Lanjut
18. Aplikasi Kecerdasan Artifisial dan Pembelajaran Mesin
The application of knowledge and skills in engineering design activities
1. Capstone Design
2. Tugas Akhir
1. Application of mathematics to electrical engineering.
2. Application of physics to electrical engineering.
3. Application of information technology and engineering to gain a comprehensive understanding of principles.
1. Rangkaian Listrik
2. Kompatibilitas Elektromagnetik
3. Sinyal dan sistem
4. Sistem Kendali
5. Teknik Tenaga Listrik
6. Teknik Telekomunikasi
7. Pengukuran dan Instrumentasi
8. Computational Thinking
1. Electronic circuit design.
2. Embedded system design.
3. Sensor device design and application.
4. Electrical installation design.
1. Perancangan Rangkaian Elektronika
2. Perancangan Sistem Embedded
3. Desain Instalasi Listrik dan Penerangan
4. Capstone Design
5. Tugas Akhir
1. Design and implementation of experiments.
1. Praktikum Sistem Komputer dan Pemrograman
2. Praktikum Sistem Digital
3. Praktikum Sistem Kendali
2. Data acquisition and observation. 4. Praktikum Rangkaian Elektronika
3. Analysis of experimental results.
5. Praktikum Rangkaian Listrik
6. Praktikum Teknik Tenaga Listrik
7. Praktikum Teknik Telekomunikasi
8. Praktikum Pengukuran dan Instrumentasi
9. Praktikum Mikroprosesor/Mikrokontroler
10. Praktikum Komunikasi Data dan Jaringan Komputer
11. Praktikum Transformator
12. Praktikum Transmisi dan Distribusi
13. Praktikum Elektronika Daya
14. Praktikum Mesin Sinkron
15. Praktikum Mesin Induksi
16. Praktikum Teknik Tegangan Tinggi
17. Praktikum Penggunaan dan Pengaturan Motor-motor Listrik
18. Praktikum Elektronika Digital
19. Praktikum Komunikasi Digital
20. Praktikum Perancangan Rangkaian Elektronika
21. Praktikum RF dan Sensing Device
Identification and analysis for problem solving in the field of electrical engineering
1. Analisa Sistem Tenaga
2. Sistem Proteksi
3. Perancangan Sistem Embedded
4. Perancangan Rangkaian Elektronika
The use of methods, skills in the field of electrical engineering, as well as hardware and software tools for practical applications
1. Pengolahan Sinyal Digital dan Aplikasi
2. Menggambar Teknik
3. Otomasi Industri
4. Analisa Sistem Tenaga
1. Scientific writing.
1. Proposal Tugas Akhir
2. Tugas Akhir
2. Presentation techniques.
3. Capstone Design
4. Bahasa Indonesia
3. Participation in scientific discussions. 5. Bahasa Inggris
1. Systematic task planning within the given scope.
2. Systematic completion of tasks.
3. Systematic evaluation of tasks.
1. Kerja Praktek
2. Capstone Design
1. Collaborating in interdisciplinary teams.
2. Collaborating in cross-cultural teams.
1. Capstone Design
2. Profesionalisme Keinsinyuran
3. Kerja Praktek
4. Kewirausahaan Berbasis Teknologi
1. Being responsible to the community in solving electrical engineering problems.
1. Profesionalisme Keinsinyuran
2. Pendidikan Agama
2. Professional ethics in solving electrical engineering problems.
3. Pancasila
4. Kewarganegaraan dan Kadeham
3. Practice safety, occupational health, and environmental protection in all aspects of professional practice. 5. Kerja Praktek
1. Methods to access, utilize, and evaluate learning resources. 1. Proposal Tugas Akhir
2. Methods to acquire and develop knowledge about current issues in the field of electrical engineering. 2. Tugas Akhir
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